Sequel to When God Created Light and course two of a three-part series studying Light, When Man Becomes Light is a deep dive into Jesus the Anointed.
If humans are Light and not darkness, and in the beginning we didn't turn "bad"—as we have often been taught—but were deceived (a very important distinction we learned about in WGCL), then the need for and work of Jesus isn't what we've been told it was either. Indeed, if we've had the premise of the Bible off, we've had to have had everything else off too. Why? Because everything else was based on and in response to that premise.
Including Jesus.
So, if Jesus didn't come to take our deserved punishment, because we didn't turn bad and therefore deserving of punishment from a separated-from-us God, and if we are inherently Light and good and live and move and have our very being in God already...
What did he come for?
Why was he needed?
What was the problem he came to solve?
Because indeed, there was a problem to solve.
And in all of this, why was he "the Anointed"? What did him being "the Anointed" (the Christ/Messiah) have to do with any of this?
Why is this what he's known as?
What does this have to do with the problem that needed to be solved?
Find out all of this in class, and...
When you do...
How it changes...
Join me in When Man Becomes Light!
Hi! My name is Katie Moon, and I am a Biblical researcher, course creator, and artist.
For over a decade, I’ve been conducting concentrated research on the Bible’s use of the word and concept of Light. I began this journey in earnest search for answers to my personal lack of inner peace and freedom, but it wasn’t long before I realized that what I was learning about Light also held serious theological implications. And so began an unimaginable journey of discovery, unlearning and relearning, as well as a personal journey of unraveling and rebuilding, which I’m still in process of, and which I’ll never forget.
It wasn't long into this journey that I realized these discoveries weren't for me alone. They were for you as well. Which is why I'm so glad you're here, checking out this course!
Get started now!
Just like When God Created Light, this course is like literally nothing you've ever taken before.
1. It reveals that there's a second 'key' to the Bible!
In When God Created Light, students learned that the Bible contains a 'key' to understanding itself (Yes, it has one! And yes, it has literally been there all along!), which, to my knowledge, has not otherwise been discovered in our generation. In this second course, students find out that the Bible contains another, but different, 'key' that helps us understand the events that led to Genesis 1:1! (Sound wild? It is! And again, it's been there all along!)
2. It makes sense of the person & work of Jesus from the paradigm that humans are Light.
If Jesus didn't die on the cross to "take our punishment" (a phrase never found in the biblical text) because "we are so bad and God is so good," then what did he die for? Somehow, though we are inherently Light, the Bible still says the Earth needed saving. Why? What did the cross, tomb and resurrection solve? Find out in this course!
3. It's taught by a full-time biblical researcher.
Not only will you learn the deep things I've discovered, you'll learn how to research the Bible yourself.
4. It pre-understands nothing.
I believe in leaving no stone left unturned. Of taking nothing for granted. Just because I've always understood something one way, doesn't mean I was understanding it well. In this class, I work hard to ensure no detail is left unchecked... not even those I/we already "know."
5. It teaches the Bible from Heaven's perspective
It's so easy and natural in our humanity to read our way of thinking into the Bible—without even realizing it. This course teaches us to not just remove our Western-lens when reading the Scriptures, but our Earth-lens as well.
6. It makes complete sense (finally) of some of the hardest passages in Scripture
With access to its 'key', the Bible becomes profoundly understandable.
7. It shows its students a third way to see the Text
The world teaches us dualism—there are only ever 2 ways you can see something. This leaves the "chooser" to distinguish the lesser of two evils. But what if both options aren't it? Well, though it can feel like a narrow gate or threading a camel though the eye of a needle to find, there is always a third way. If we only have eyes to see it. This course presents A Third Way to see the Text.
This course is like literally no course on Jesus you've ever taken before
What you'll get when you purchase this course
1.Unlimited access to my 5-lesson, in-depth course, When Man Becomes Light, at a price you choose!
2. 5 hours of in-depth, revolutionary Bible teaching based on over a decade of full-time research on the subject of Light alone! (Total value worth $299)
3. Beautifully designed and articulated lecture notes, charts, illustrations, and diagrams to print and/or follow along with.
4. Dynamic bonus videos for each lesson, featuring follow-up conversations between Katie Moon and Lindsay Teague Moreno.
Get started now!
If any of the following apply to you, this course is for you!
• This course is for those who have already finished taking When God Created Light (it is its required prerequisite).
• This course is for those longing for something deeper.
• This course is for those who long to study the Bible from Heaven's perspective (from the Divine Author's perspective, not Earth's/humanity's).
• This course is for those who long to study the Bible from the premise that humans didn't turn "bad" but were *deceived* (an important distinction)
• This course is for those who want to understand Jesus beyond the explanation that he was a "good teacher," but also not from the human tradition that he took the "punishment we deserved from God" (a phrase not found in the Bible).
• This course is for the spiritually wounded of our day, who deeply believe there’s more to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God, and the Bible than they're seeing, and who are anxious to discover the "more" they believe is really there.
• This course is not for those content to stay where they're at, but for those who are perpetual learners.
• This course is for anyone deconstructing their faith.
• This course is for those ready and hungry for more than surface interpretations of the biblical Text.
• This course is for anyone seeking inner peace and freedom, not just about their 'future in Heaven,' but true mental and spiritual peace in the day-to-day here and now.
•This course is for anyone who feels the current options aren't it and are is seeking "a third way" to read the Text
When does the course start and finish?
The course is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What denomination does this course fit into?
This class is non-denominational. It's for every hungry-hearted individual!
Can only people who consider themselves "Christian" take this course?
Of course not! If you're a seeker for spiritual truth, you should definitely take this course! It's not the average "Christian" course, and it'll likely surprise and delight you!
Why is this called a 'course' and not a 'bible study'?
Simply? 'When God Created Light' is a study of scripture, but it is a deeper dive than what we generally think of as a "bible study" in our culture. This said, there are no required papers nor is there a final exam! :) Actually, this course is totally doable! I hold the audacious belief that all of the Bible is understandable. And in this course, I believe you'll discover the very same thing.
Is this course refundable?
No. Since you get to pick your price, refunds are not available.