When God Created Light is course 1 in a 3-part series studying Light in the Bible. What was the Light created on Day 1 of the creation story? What did it mean when Jesus told his disciples to ‘walk in the Light’? What does it mean when it says that in the future we won't have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine us? In this series, we examine all of this, and in this order.
In this first course, we re-examine the often-taken-for-granted premise of the Bible. Traditionally, this has been understood to be: God created humans, humans turned bad, God had to separate himself from humans because God is so good and humans are so bad, and therefore, a solution was needed so that humans could be in the presence of God again.
But the question is, does this understanding of the beginning of the Bible check out? Is this exactly what it says and means? While there has been much scholarly debate over nearly every other conceivable subject in the Bible, this is a subject that has actually gone largely unexamined among Western evangelical scholars. What is the potential danger of this having been taken so for granted? Well, simply, if we end up having the premise wrong, we end up having everything else wrong too. Why? Because everything else we've understood has been based on that premise.
And if we have had it wrong, we now have a whole lot to get straightened out, don't we?
So you can begin to see the absolute importance of this study.
In When God Created Light, we go back to the beginning of the Bible, back to the first mention of Light in the Scriptures, and we take nothing for granted. We look under every stone to make sure we've been understanding it all well. If we have, it'll hold up under the most intense scrutiny. If we haven't, it won't. And if it won't, we don't want it. Why?
Because we'd rather find the truth than be right.
Yes. In this class we go beyond surface interpretations. I equip you to study the ancient Text for yourself, by showing you the Bible's inherent literary structure and map key—next-level tools that help us uncover the meaning of Scripture. Then, we go back to the beginning of the Bible, to see....
What really happened...
And how this changes...
Join me in class!
Hi! My name is Katie Moon, and I am a Biblical researcher, course creator, and artist.
For over a decade, I’ve been conducting concentrated research on the Bible’s use of the word and concept of Light. I began this journey in earnest search for answers to my personal lack of inner peace and freedom, but it wasn’t long before I realized that what I was learning about Light also held serious theological implications. And so began an unimaginable journey of discovery, unlearning and relearning, as well as a personal journey of unraveling and rebuilding, which I’m still in process of, and which I’ll never forget.
It wasn't long into this journey that I realized these discoveries weren't for me alone. They were for you as well. Which is why I'm so glad you're here, checking out this course!
KELLY | WGCL Student
I just finished your course. Wow! I am spent, I am invigorated, and I am in awe of what you brought to us! Thank you so much!… It was LITERALLY an answer to prayer for me. Please tell me you are working on a follow up book or another course! Thank you again Katie. You have brought me back to God.
JESS | WGCL Student
I need you to know that what you are teaching is very, very important and it feels like this message is one I have been waiting MY ENTIRE LIFE for.
...what you are sharing is so radical and with the same breath, so needed...Thank you for being daring enough to dig deep and thank you for being brave enough to share.
Thank you so much for all you do and all the time you have put into this class, I truly believe it is the start of something big!
I just finished listening to your lessons. Oh my GOD (in praise!). They are absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!... I can say with certainty you have "genius" in your brain!!!
Get started now!
This course is like literally nothing you've ever taken before.
1. It reveals the Bible's 'key'
This class teaches the Bible's 'key' to understanding itself (Yes, it has one! And yes, it has literally been there all along!), which, to my knowledge, has not otherwise been discovered in our generation. (This alone, is worth the cost of the entire course!) This God-given 'key' helps us to both understand the big picture story of the Bible as well as its parts, & will utterly transform your understanding of the Bible, God, and Christianity! You don't want to miss this!
2. It's taught by a full-time biblical researcher.
Not only will you learn the deep things I've discovered, you'll learn how to research the Bible yourself.
3. It pre-understands nothing.
I believe in leaving no stone left unturned. Of taking nothing for granted. Just because I've always understood something one way, doesn't mean I was understanding it well. In this class, I work hard to ensure no detail is left unchecked... not even those I/we already "know."
4. It teaches the Bible from Heaven's perspective
It's so easy and natural in our humanity to read our way of thinking into the Bible—without even realizing it. This course teaches us to not just remove our Western-lens when reading the Scriptures, but our Earth-lens as well.
5. It makes complete sense (finally) of some of the hardest passages in Scripture
With access to its 'key', the Bible becomes profoundly understandable.
6. It explains God's blueprint for Life
This course doesn't just fill your head with knowledge, it gives God's practical & powerfulblueprint for Life. It sets you up—finally—for life apart from the human "condition."
7. It shows its students a third way to see the Text
The world teaches us dualism—there are only ever 2 ways you can see something. This leaves the "chooser" to distinguish the lesser of two evils. But what if both options aren't it? Well, though it can feel like a narrow gate or threading a camel though the eye of a needle to find, there is always a third way. If we only have eyes to see it. This course presents A Third Way to see the Text.
This course is like literally nothing you've ever taken before.
What you'll get when you purchase this course
1.Unlimited access to my 6-week, in-depth course, When God Created Light, at a price you choose!
2. 6 hours of in-depth, revolutionary Bible teaching based on over a decade of full-time research concentrated on this one topic alone! (Total value worth $299)
3. Beautifully designed and articulated lecture notes, charts, illustrations, and diagrams to print and/or follow along with.
4. Dynamic bonus videos for each lesson, featuring follow-up conversations between Katie Moon and Lindsay Teague Moreno.
Get started now!
Now is the time to take this course! Here's why.
1.The Day is drawing near
As the "Day" draws nearer, the content of this course becomes increasingly urgent to learn. This course identifies and explains what "that Day" is and how to begin training for it now.
2. Revival is in the Air
God is giving prophetic words all over the world that a Christ revolution, like the earth has never seen, is on the cusp of taking place. This course, and anything like it, I believe, will play a pivotal role in laying the foundation for such a movement. The sooner we have the foundation, the sooner such a movement can begin with us.
3. Fear and Dread is Everywhere
Perfect Love casts out fear. This course will ground you in perfect Love.
4. Division is Rampant
Division is not of God. And the world—including the Church—seems to grow increasingly divided by the minute. Yet the gospel creates peace. With deeper understanding of the gospel, greater unity between people can finally be achieved.
5. "Deconstruction" is the Word of the Day
Right now, many people are "deconstructing" their faith. They're asking hard questions, and taking time to search for the answers. I believe this is both healthy and part of the process of spiritual growth, yet it can feel unsettling and even scary. In this course, I join you in the search, and provide a safe place to ask questions and dig deep.
It cannot be overstated: the need for this course is urgent!
If any of the following apply to you, this course is for you!
• This course is for those longing for something deeper.
• This course is for those who long to study the Bible from Heaven's perspective (from the Divine Author's perspective, not Earth's/humanity's).
• This course is for those who are weary of the hypocrisy they see in themselves and/or the Church.
• This course is for the spiritually wounded of our day, who deeply believe there’s more to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God, and the Bible than they're seeing, and who are anxious to discover the "more" they believe is really there.
• This course is not for those content to stay where they're at, but for those who are perpetual learners.
• This course is for anyone deconstructing their faith.
• This course is for those ready and hungry to go to the next level in their faith.
• This course is for anyone seeking for inner peace and freedom, not just about their 'future in Heaven,' but true mental and spiritual peace in the day-to-day here and now.
•This course is for anyone seeking real answers to the current state of the world
•This course is for anyone who feels the current options aren't it and are is seeking "a third way" to read the Text
When does the course start and finish?
The course is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What denomination does this course fit into?
This class is non-denominational. It's for every hungry-hearted individual!
Can only people who consider themselves "Christian" take this course?
Of course not! If you're a seeker for spiritual truth, you should definitely take this course! It's not the average "Christian" course, and it'll likely surprise and delight you!
Why is this called a 'course' and not a 'bible study'?
Simply? 'When God Created Light' is a study of scripture, but it is a deeper dive than what we generally think of as a "bible study" in our culture. This said, there are no required papers nor is there a final exam! :) Actually, this course is totally doable! I hold the audacious belief that all of the Bible is understandable. And in this course, I believe you'll discover the very same thing.
Is this course refundable?
No. Since you get to pick your price, refunds are not available.